Greetings! A guide to how this blog works.

  Here's how it's gonna break down I will be posting reviews for each of the movies that I watch all which will be ones currently playing in theaters. (older ones probably being deleted once they leave theaters unless popular opinion request otherwise.) The reviews will be posted NO EARLIER than midnight the night that the movie is released (so in other words no sooner than when a person could potentially see the movie) This is to keep me from getting fired from my awesome job and/or legal ramifications which would well suck a lot.
  On each review will be THREE count them THREE different scores out of ten. The first will be the enjoyment meter. On this meter will simply be how much I enjoyed the movie. I came up with this to hopefully give people a better gauge of well how much fun the movie is which I feel many critics leave out and our have to wash out due to them trying to do their job critic a movie. The second score will be the critical eye score as I will deem it where I dig into it and give a reflection of the movie and how it does in a critical respect (ex how strong is the plot? Was there chemistry between actors/actresses? ect.) So to show you how this will work an example- Twilight 6/10 E.M 2/10 C.E in other words I found it rather enjoyable however it lacked a lot of structure (namely acting) and thus fell off in it's C.E. score. The last one if applicable will be the 3-D score which is of course how good or bad the 3-D is. On all of these meters 10/10 is awesome 1/10 is horrible five being just ok.

  After the two scores I will of course review the movie diving into each of the actors/actresses portrayal of the characters, how the plot was, how the musical score was ect. So basically the rest of the typical stuff that a critic does. I will NOT typically in a main page review give a synopsis of the movie nor will I hopefully spoil any of it. This I will do on the movie plot/summary page. The trailer anticipation page will be trailers of movies that are coming out that I am or am not looking forward to. The parental guide will of course give my fair warning to parents or those who care about the content of movies. Critic's choice will have my top picks for certain categories out of the movies that are out. The way I review may or may not change as this blog progresses but this will be the groundwork.

  I wish to point out the hopefully obvious as a last and final point that these are of course my opinions and takes on the movie/actors/actresses ect.  Not for a minute is it me stating for a FACT that the movie is awesome or trash. Nor do I believe that I could do better than those who work so hard on the movie yet alone belittling in some cases the jobs they do. These people spend tons of time, money, and hard work bringing us all these products, something I for one will not soon forget. What this blog IS here to do is give my opinion on the movie to hopefully help people out. In some cases in forming their own opinion of a movie by viewing what I say, and also help them decide on what movies to see or avoid based on if they agree or disagree with my reviews/taste. However above all else it is to help keep the public Well Informed! Hope you enjoy!