Let's do the time warp again! (past reviews)

The Eagle

5/10 E.M.
3/10 C.E.

  Had this movie been condensed or had it been comprised of just the beginning and the end it would have fared much better as a whole. Sadly this is not the case and we the audience are left with the loooonnnnggg drawn out middle which isn't really remarkable in anyway shape or form. Shoot even the beginning is just barely good. This all said if you can wait long enough the end is pretty good and may or may not make up for all the rest of the movie. The motivations of the characters, the action and pretty much everything good is concentrated at the end of the film and were barely there throughout the rest of the film.

  The chemistry between Tatum and Bell which should be one of brotherhood or something like it is pretty much non existent throughout the movie. Even when Bell is supposed to hate Tatum's character you don't get even a smolder from him. We do sense some comradeship between them at the end which is too little too late and is also when both stars and I use that term loosely, peak. Tatum's emotional range is all but non existent in the entire film. He shows nothing but a strong tough guy look on his face the whole time. You never really much care about whether or not he retrieves the eagle because he doesn't show us any reason to care about him. Bell on the other hand at least shows a little variety and range and is the better of the two actors, however again not really anything special.

  The plot due largely to it being too drawn out is not very engaging. A smarter move to make the audience engaged in the film would be to cut most of the middle and instead insert the father's battle at the beginning. Show the audience some excitement and cool battles while making us care about the father and the eagle, then after show the fatherless Tatum, these would be things that should have been done. The action sequences are more often than not too close and blurry often panning the camera right when we finally orientate ourselves. The score is dull dull dull with uninspiring instrumentals/orchestra pieces and used to poorly augment action ect. The Eagle is one of those movies you just watch on a boring day on cable T.V. or something not a movie theater must see for most although not the worst film either.

The Rite

9/10 E.M.
9/10 C.E.

  The Rite is the first exorcist movie that I have ever seen as I have always avoided them and horror movies in general. So this said I would not be surprised to find that someone who goes to see this movie and is well versed in horror films would find some of it's themes ect repetitive or even overused considering even I know some of them are. There's even a line where Hopkins says there won't be some of the cliches yet some of those are in the movie which I enjoyed the irony. However all this aside cliche or not the movie was incredibly scary, not the scariest I've ever seen (House on Haunted Hill) but still very scary.

  Rite is based on true events which to me adds another level of horror to the movie whether or not you believe in Satan or exorcisms. Being a Christian myself (non denominational) I was very very hesitant to see a horror movie that I thought would be evil or glorify Satan. As it turned out the movie was surprisingly spiritual whether or not you believe and was more likely to scare people into Christianity than any other effect. For someone of spiritual belief I could feel the evil in the movie when Satan had the upper hand and then feel the power of God later in the film. For a film to do that and capture it so well reflects strongly on the acting script and overall film making.

  Anthony Hopkins does a down right amazing job in his role of father Lucas chilling the audience at times or making you feel silly or safe at others. Hopkins job on the role is everything that it needs to be and more there's really nothing wrong with his acting only what was right which was a whole lot. His ability to show without even the need of words that he is wearing down or drained spiritually and yet still be a spiritual authority and strong believer is well balanced. To be able to be so versatile in his role was something just awesome to see.

  Colin O'Donoghue also does a great job at his role of the skeptic Michael. If someone who was a skeptic was in the exact same situation or even just an ordinary person they would act exactly as Colin did. It was a great way to in the end actually make the movie more real as more and more of Colin's assumptions are wiped out so too are the audience's leaving him and us with the truth. (at least the truth the film intends to deliver.) Alice Braga who plays Angeline was probably the weaker link out of all the cast not doing a bad job by any means however not contributing a whole ton either. Maybe in a different movie she would shine a bit more but she was way out classed by Colin and Hopkins. The musical score does it's job accenting the right moments, creating suspense ect. As for the script and the story they are completely compelling and well done. Over all a great horror film for those looking for a fright.

The Roommate

8/10 E.M.
6/10 C.E.

  The Roommate was an enjoyable mild thriller that I probably wouldn't remember in months from now if it wasn't for the hot chicks, but was a fun ride meanwhile.  The scare factor on the movie is at least in my book low. (I have no doubt it has many teenage girls though freaking out about college roommates) The music gave away as in most horror/thrillers when stuff was gonna happen and although Rebecca is clearly insane the fact she was in control made her a great psychotic but not exactly horror movie scary. The movie gives Rebecca plenty of opportunities to explore her mental instability. It shows us of instances of her being a horrible human being and just how clever and manipulative she can be reminding me in some ways of the movie Wild Things or Cruel Intentions only not as good as either. As a whole though in the thriller department the movie didn't add anything new that we haven't seen before in some way shape or form only offering us a new stage to see it with a new cast.

  Leighton Meester did a decent job of playing the role of the deranged Rebecca however I won't lie I expected a bit more out of her. The main problem with her portrayal of the role was that more often than not she came off as an innocent girl who acts deranged rather than a deranged girl who acts innocent and there is a huge difference. Her default setting felt too much like a normal girl who then has moments of insanity which yes that sometimes is the case with psychopaths but that's definitely not what you want in a movie. On the other hand her performance was well done during her manipulative crazy segments so all in all not too bad.

  The chemistry between Meester and Kelly at first hits every note perfectly so that when Kelly's character Sara says to Rebecca they were never friends it actually works. As for Minka Kelly her portrayal of Sara is great forming this charming angel that almost makes you not blame Rebecca for her obsession. When it boils down to it the movie is a good watch and although it's nothing new is does it's job to entertain.

From Prada to Nada

7/10 E.M
6/10 C.E.

  The first thing that has to be addressed obviously, especially for anyone who isn't of Hispanic decent that is considering going to see this movie is the racial/cultural gap. I went to a showing where my brother and I were the only white people in the theater so I got a good sense of what I was missing. So what will you be missing? You probably won't realize what you're missing truthfully the movie stands well on it's own and thank God has subtitles at the points where Spanish is used. However there were several parts where either because of something done or perhaps because of a difference in humor everyone but my brother and I were laughing. That said there are tons of funny parts in the movie and it was all in all charming, a great watch.

  Prada to Nada is a Latino twist of the classic Jane Austin novel Sense and Sensibilty. The movie is not exactly original nor unpredictable in plot allowing the audience to see who's gonna wind up with who in the love department rather instantly and not adding anything new to the riches to rags story (although thank God it wasn't another overused rags to riches story making a nice reversal for once.) However what it does do rather nicely is add the Latino twist to the movie and some actually funny techniques to create humor that I haven't seen before. (the sped up subtitles for example you'll know when you see it) The musical score is largely music that I honestly didn't understand being the kid who took German is high school rather than Spanish so I really can't commentate on the score although there were instances that music was used well to create humor.

  Honestly for once I really don't have any critics on anyone's acting everyone did a good job and the screen chemistry flowed very well. Each actor/actress played their role well not overacting and thanks to a good script didn't fall into too stereotypical one layered characters (although it's easy to identify everyone's role and where they will go in the movie.) The only thing holding anyone back was the limit of the role considering the story could only go so far without being a totally different movie and no one was exceptional, rather everyone was just good. All in all a good movie that uses a nice twist, refreshing ways to form comedy and a cast that does their job to create a movie that I'd be happy to see again.

Sanctum 2-D

3/10 E.M.
2/10 C.E.

   Going into the movie I was under the impression that James Cameron directed it, as it quickly became clear and the credits confirmed he was only the executive producer. The chance that I gave it and the hopes I had were quickly shattered. I still have not seen the 3-D version which may be really cool and help enhance the wonder of the caves and hopefully look awesome but as it stands the 2-D was plain out horrible. Strangely enough there are several parts in the 2-D that you can tell are supposed to be in 3-D and by that I don't mean you think hey this would be a cool part I mean the picture actually looks different. This becomes a bit distracting and in the 2-D format just looks bad believe it or not especially combined with the obvious CGI moments (certain parts of the cave you'll know when you see it.) Honestly the first 3-D movie I've ever seen that hurts it's 2-D format tremendously.

   The cast is full of nobodies as a whole but the two that actually did a good or semi good performance in the movie I was not at all surprised to find were in some good to decent roles in the past. Although I am never against new faces or even a whole cast of near unknowns this movie shows a great example of how experience and past performances really do make a difference. So let's start off with those two actors. Richard Roxburgh (Van Helsing, Owls of Ga' hoole) easily did the best job of acting in this entire movie although he as mentioned was very impeded by the script. Sadly even though he was the best actor he was still only half decent, more often than not having little emotion on his face perhaps trying to be serious as the role called but doing a poor job of portraying it right. His character Frank was the only one that you cared to see make it through the cave. His role of the distant but caring father was not by any means spot on but it did at least hit in the proximity of the target. He filled the role of being the only realistic person in the cave very well through showing no emotion AT THE RIGHT TIMES thus enhance his performance and helping to portray his character beautifully.

  Ioan Gruffudd (Fantastic Four) did a great job of portraying the rich financier Carl who likes to actually get his hands dirty. At the point in the movie when he becomes the obvious bad guy of the lot his performance is absolutely stunning mixing insanity, revenge and desperation for a performance that has you hoping he gets his. If he had actually been able to voice the sorrow and loss of some of the team members rather than Josh (Rys Wakefield) the movie would have easily done better.

  Having now shown you the good it's time for the bad and down right ugly- Rys Wakefield. Easily one of the more annoying actors I've ever seen. First off he overacts like crazy I mean really bad, his face when he cries looks like he's just constipated. Granted his role is being the brat with daddy issues but it's called taking the role waaayyy to far. Fifteen minutes into the movie and I already wanted to see his sorry character crushed by a rock or something. You can easily show that you have daddy issues without screaming and whining about everything the dad's character says. More importantly leave the remorse of a dead character to another actor who won't go and make it the end of the world. Or better yet don't say anything more often than not if the character that dies was portrayed well enough the audience will by default be bummed at least we don't need you to voice how we should feel especially when you come out like a whinny little girl.

  As for the rest of the cast they were largely unremarkable in their performances more often than not because they didn't have much of a role in the movie. The musical score did an admirable job of trying to accent the movie however just didn't cut it although they at least headed in the right direction. The script writter should be banned from Hollywood filling the movie with more cliches than I care to remember and seriously impeding performances by forgetting the power of silence. The story more often than not though interesting fails to capture the wonder of cave diving or to draw us into a new world. (the 3-D might help still waiting to find out) The movie obviously tries to ride the coat tails and in many ways imitate 127 hours but comes so hideously far it is as deep as the cave they explored. All in all if you want a good movie based on a true survival story stick with 127 hours this is certainly not it.

Green Hornet 3-D Review

2/10 3-D
7/10 E.M
6/10 C.E.
  First off don't pay for the 3-D pure and simple not worth it this time. Sorry but the best 3-D was at the end credits the rest of the movie was 80% flat we're talking A cup here. Sorry couldn't help myself on that pun. Any......way there were no real pop moments and the few that were didn't really add to the movie. All this said I will say I enjoyed the movie. It wasn't amazing but the action scenes and choreography were decent enough. The plot you learn in the trailer but it wasn't horrible and the acting was pretty much Seth doing his thing if you like that. There was one part that I liked a lot and that was how Kato and Ried get along in the movie. (you'll know what I mean when you see it.) This created interesting chemistry that was fun to watch and not typical of many superhero side kick type movies. It almost added a layer of depth in it's realism considering the situation and acknowledging it. 

  The villain was well done in some ways poorly in others. The fact of the matter is and the movie even acknowledges in it he wasn't menacing. Did his actions prove he was a bad guy? Yes however do you sense that he's evil, no. This for me is not what makes a strong bad guy a strong one being either one who is larger than life, pure evil or one that thinks he's good and is in fact evil. Are there exceptions to this rule? Yes of course but Chudnofsky doesn't fall into this category. The part that was both well written and well acted however was his obviously mental derangement which does make for a great bad guy if done right.Cameron Diaz didn't contribute much at all to the movie unlike her great job in Knight and Day. All in all worth the watch and even the ticket price so long as you go 3-D

The Dilemma

8.5/10 E.M.
8/10 C.E.

   So for starters you have to understand it is a miracle that I gave this movie the score I did because I HATE Vince Vaughn. Some people hate Michael Cera some hate Cameron Diaz everyone has an actor/actress they CAN"T stand. Vaughn is one of mine. Did I like him in some movies like Old School yes but it's the characters he plays and the way he talks and his "humor" (more like being obnoxious) that I can't stand. So as you can see going into it I was very very skeptical. 

  All this said after actually seeing it and putting my prejudice aside I will definitely say the movie was great and worth the movie ticket. The story and plot was a bit soap operaish however it did have interesting twist and turns and above all help/gave great room for character development. Each actor/actress played their role surprisingly well save Jennifer Connelly who to me just was there perhaps not entirely her fault but her role. Kevin James doesn't stray far from his funny guy role that he normally plays but does have some strong segments where he is finally able to show his capacity as an actor and he largely nails it. Winona Ryder did an excellent job of playing her part which I want to say that role was brilliantly written and executed. Had it been the typical cheating wife with few to no dimensions you see in many movies this movie wouldn't do half as well as it did in my book. 

 Channing Tatum was very very funny and did a great job in his role of playing a confused scumbag. Was his character realistic in that given situation, I personally don't believe so however there are strange people in the world out there and considering it was a comedy I think it's more than fine to let it stand as was. Also quite amusing was Queen Latifah who is one of the actresses who could pull off that role with the perfect ability to be funny, not overly creepy and still professional/serious as the character demanded. All in all well done by her.
  Finally Vince Vaughn was made for this role and for once wasn't the obnoxious selfish character that I almost always see in his movies (although you do see plenty of glimpses of it.) Was his character selfish, yes in action but in what his character's intent he was far from it which is the difference here. Furthermore we get to see Vince in well a Dilemma and he actually portrays it well which combined with the humor of many situations in the movie it is pulled off quite nicely. The soundtrack wasn't anything special and the plot wasn't brilliant but it wasn't cookie cutter at least like so many movies. I will also say the situational humor was great as well as some of the lines given by the actors all while never seeming to glorify the situation nor belittle it which is a good way to go considering the topic matter. The chemistry between the characters was well executed especially at the end, which while I'm speaking of was a great way to end the movie, may not resolve everything but I left the theater smiling. All in all a joy rather than a horror like I thought it would be.

 Yogi Bear 3-D

7/10 3-D
1/10 E.M.
1/10 C.E.

   The only good thing about this movie is the 3-D which surprisingly is actually half way decent. There were a decent sum of pop moments and the 3-D was actually used pretty well as a tool rather than a prop, however it was the only tool in the movie. I never even bothered to see it again in the 2-D format having seen the 3-D and having to endure it one time around. The movie is entertaining for the first five minutes or so some gags and amusement much like the cartoon it's based off of however like the cartoon the movie should have kept it short and sweet. It was obvious that they drug the movie out as well as used enough cheesy puns to make a clown cry. Yogi's inventions although creative and showing the possibility of delivering a funny line or at least being cool (you gotta admit the flying machine is nifty) wind up being killed by the terrible writing and puns. As if knowing no ends the movie even has a "classic" pie in the face scene which should have been avoided in the first place along with many of the lines such as too much razzle in the fireworks scene.

  Although likely limited by the writing not a single actor/actress in this movie does any redeeming work. The movie reminds me a lot of Furry Vengeance which came out the previous year only with Yogi Bear instead slapped on as a cover. The plot is entirely predictable and formulaic and I won't even try to find any character development in it. No doubt little children who love talking animals and don't know better would probably enjoy this movie but anyone with fond memories of the cartoons or over the age of five should probably run for the hills rather than Jellystone Park.