Thank You Thank You Very Much (Sources)

  Before I get started on this I want to make it perfectly clear that everything on my blog is my own idea, words, critics ect save quotes that may be acknowledged from sources, pictures that I use and obviously ratings as issued by the MPAA. All that now established I would very very much like to extend a thank you to the following sites who I often use for reference and help or sometimes just for my own enjoyment.

MPAA/CARA- I often use this for my parental guide section without it well I would have no idea why some of the films are rated what they are.

IMDB- This site is absolutely crucial to my reviews and I really owe them a tons of thanks. They help me figure out who the heck the actors/actresses are in each film who they played directors ect. I also want to point out they have an AMAZING parental guide section that I'm not even gonna try to compare to so if you ever want to know exactly how many times a cuss word is used in a film or exact content ect definitely use them!

Wikipedia- Helps me figure out facts that I may or may not need. Example being who wrote a certain book a movie is based off of ect.

AMC- They let me know exactly what films will be coming out and when.

Rotten Tomatoes- They actually don't help me out with the blog but rather as a critic because AFTER I finish typing my reviews I often use them to see what critics thought ect.

Lastly a thanks to those who I use for the poster images on the blog. Honestly I just google the movie and use whichever images I like most so the sites vary a ton but thanks to those that I used cause I honestly can't keep track or remember who you guys are.