Sunday, March 20, 2011

127 Hours

5/10 E.M.
8/10 C.E

  So first thing is first before going into this movie you have to know what you're getting yourself into. This movie is a survival movie based on the true story of how a man (Aron Ralston) survived in a Utah canyon for 127hrs after getting his arm trapped by a giant boulder. This means he does anything to survive including yes cutting off his arm. If you aren't prepared for it you may not like it unless you like survival movies. I personally knew what I was getting myself into although I am not huge on survival films.This all aside now let's dive in.

  First and foremost I want to give James Franco a huge round of applause for his portrayal of Aron. He does an awesome job of carrying the movie really pretty much all by himself which is no small feat. No matter if it's regret, insanity, joy or hope Franco portrays it beautifully and really brings the character and reality of the situation to life. He does a great job in several parts at beating himself up humorously and truth be told shows all of us just what we may do and what it may be like if we were in the same boat. Franco shows everyone that he has the range as an actor to be serious or funny where needed better in this movie than perhaps any movie he's been in yet.

  Now on to the other parts of the movie. I obviously can't really criticize the plot because well it's based on a true story and will either be found as compelling or just not interest you much like the non fiction part of the library. The soundtrack is good considering it's limits in the movie and the fact that the movie doesn't much call for music which also segways into the point that there is at points little sound period in the movie as would be in reality. The camera work is at a few points a bit irritating and sloppy but that's to be expected and the flash back scenes are a bit confusing at points but it all comes together well in the end and tells the story as if you were Aron and randomly thinking about what has happened to you lately. All in all a great well done movie that if you like that type and know what your getting into will leave you happy to see.

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