Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hall Pass

2/10 E.M.
1/10 C.E.

  This was without a doubt one of the most disappointing movies that has come out in the recent months. The movie grabs and tries to attract a certain audience that is looking for and expecting certain things from this type of movie and let's face it it doesn't deliver AT ALL. Instead it tries to walk a fine line the line of a party/pervy type of movie and a drama but fails at both. It tries to make the characters into men who are going through nothing more than a mid life crisis and snap into reality. But let's face it that's not what the characters are and it's certainly not what the audience wants. You go in hoping for something kind of like Hangover and instead you get guys who want to be like the Hangover but aren't even near as cool. They are further impaired by a moral conscience that kicks in not only at the dumbest time but also shouldn't be there from a plot perspective after they have/all but have committed the wrongs. There's nothing wrong with having a story of redemption, nor is there anything wrong with a story of a changing of heart however firstly it doesn't fit your target audience plus it has to be done right and committed to, something that the Farrelly brothers seem to have forgotten in this movie.

  Owen Wilson brings little to the table on this film and Jason Sudeikis brings FAR less. This is very disappointing because if you watch Saturday Night Live you will most likely agree Sudiekis is a funny man. Not sure if it was the script or the classic curse of SNL star to movie star transition but he just hit nothing as far as funny was concerned. The ladies Jenna Fischer and Christina Applegate on the other hand were a joy to watch and easily the superior ones in the film. The chemistry between the ladies was good enough however due to the guys slipping we saw very weak chemistry from couple to couple which makes it that much harder to sell the whole oh no I can't go through with this I love my wife bit. Last but not least Nicky Whelan did her bit well which was of course to be an obscenely hot siren for poor Owen's character.

  The music as the case of the movie as a whole was uninspiring if you're gonna have party like a rock star have them party like a rock star at SOME point. On the note of uninspiring was the humor I mean come on the funniest part in this whole movie was the very end with Stephen Merchant's British character Gary's daydream scene. I seriously wish the whole movie had been as funny as that cause then I could have left with some laughs. I am never opposed to rude or obscene humor in a movie admittedly it is one of many ways to my funny bone, however when it's rude and obscene just to be rude and obscene with no laugh at the end there's nothing but failure in my book. The movie could have easily been PG-13 at least and lost no laughs whatsoever which just means it failed as a movie. When you go down the halls of the movie theater make sure you pass on Hall Pass.

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