Sunday, March 20, 2011

Drive Angry 3-D

8/10 E.M.
7/10 C.E.
9/10 3-D

  Nicolas Cage is capable of some great movies and acting such as Lord of War, Kick Ass and Gone in 60 Seconds. On the filp side he is also capable of some down right bad or at best mediocre movies such as Season of the Witch and the like. The key more often than not is whether or not the man is having fun in the movie cause it shows whether or not he's dialing it in or having the time of his life. Fortunately for the movie goers who decide to indulge in Drive Angry he isn't dialing it in. I do however want to say it isn't one of his great movies but at least you can tell he's having fun in it.

  The real star of this movie believe it or not though was EASILY William Fichtner. He was down right hilarious and stole the show. To that point I do want to say whoever finally paired Fichtner and Cage together was a genius they play incredibly well together and were a down right joy to watch. Amber Heard played the tough as nails Piper largely just playing a type not exactly bringing much to the table otherwise. Billy Burke of course played the crazy zealot Jonah King and really nailed it. I mean honestly that was messed up with the femur I got to say.

  The 3-D in the movie is down right excellent. We finally see a movie that not only has consistent 3-D and was intelligently actually shot not converted to 3-D, but we also see a movie that is thought out and planned around the 3-D prop it stands on. Are some of the parts obviously CGI, yeah but that's not really their fault technology just isn't there yet it would seem. You will though finally see stuff fly at your face in action scenes and get the full effect of 3-D. The pop and immersion factor are blended together throughout the movie something some of these 3-D films just can't figure out yet.

  The soundtrack is a bit obvious choice wise however at least it suits the movie well. Mix of "On the Highway to Hell" with various country and kinda hard to go wrong considering. The plot is admittedly a bit predictable but the humor and script is just so wonderful and more importantly well executed that although it may seem familiar in ways it's a joy to watch. I mean come on who doesn't want to watch an anti hero who says he's gonna drink out of a villains skull and then actually does it? The movie as a whole was kind of a high production B movie that knew it and just went for it trying to have fun all the while. Like Piranha 3-D and Machete before it it is obscene but very enjoyable if you can get past how out there it is violence and content wise. For a movie that is called Drive Angry and that has some extended scenes with car chases and the like I was a bit let down it just wasn't something exceptional although the 3-D helped. I will say the cars were beautiful though so they had that going for them. If you were looking for a fun ride that's a bit obscene and knows it you can't go wrong if you Drive Angry.

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